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What Is A Logo & Do I really need one?

Starting the launch of a business venture can be a great challenge. From business registration to doing all the paperwork, to business tax ID registration, etc. Among this extensive 'to-do' list, one of the most challenging and important tasks of them all is establishing your logo. While the idea of having a logo can be taken lightly by many newbies, having a logo is very important when it comes to your business. In this blog, we will be discussing the importance of having a logo and why you will need one when you deploy your business operations.

What is a logo?

So before we can move any further, it should be helpful if we dived a little deeper into the meaning of having a logo.

A logo is a mix and match of some written and visuals that represent your business and the whole idea behind it. A good logo communicates the ownership, value, and quality of your brand. A logo is probably the first thing that your viewers will interact with. It will be everywhere; on your products, on the business cards, on your websites, on social media, and most importantly on the people's minds. Definitely, you do need a logo for your business, be it of a large or a small scale. A logo will leave a lasting impression on the people about your services, products, and vision but only if the logo is attractive enough.

Attractive & Pleasing Logo

There are a number of things that you must keep in mind while getting your logo made by some freelancer or even if you yourself are making the logo. The first and foremost thing, know the size of the logo you need and it should depend on the name of your brand because you will get it printed on the logo. Whatever you write on the logo, should be clear and readable to the viewers. You must use the color wisely. Your logo may appear on the websites, postcards, products, newspapers, and vehicles, so you must go for some gradient and different colors with fine details in it. This will make your logo look quite unique, exceptional; and attractive at the same time. The next thing that you must add to your logo is some visual or something memorable that defines you or the brand. Remember, KFC and McDonald's or Coca-Cola is mostly remembered by their logo and not their name. Though they have got some real hype and popularity because of their names but don't you think that if you're shown the logo of McDonald's you will instantly know which brand it is? Exactly you will. This is what I want you to do, leave something to be remembered for years, which will represent your brand forever.

If you have the got the right logo made, you have done half of the publicity there. A good logo will say everything without saying a word. It will show the feelings of honor, respect, love, pride, and excellence. It will show some sort of connection between the brand and the consumers.


Do I Really Need a Logo?

Attract the people:

Why do you want to start this business? To grow financially, isn't it? so if you want to grow your business in this competitive market then you have to grab the attention of people of every age and let me tell you, attracting the people to become your loyal customers is not at all a piece of cake. You have to do a lot of hard work and a good and attractive logo can definitely help you out. Usually, with a logo, you have only got seconds to impress the viewers. In those few seconds, your logo defines everything, from the kind of services you provide, your ownership, and your product's value in a very interesting way.

So you see, you do not have to explain it all yourself to every single person. Your logo does it all in a short period. This is why 99% of the small or huge businesses tend to go for some interesting logos. You must try it out too.

Differentiate you from the others:

You must have seen several logos that give you a quite similar vibe and you may doubt if they are of the same brand. In actuality, the logos are of different brands, so why do they have so much similarity? It is very common and understandable that a lot of things have only one thing to represent them perfectly and obviously, everyone would use that. So how will your logo stand out here? How will you distinguish your brand and its services from the other brand with the same services that you are providing?

This is where you need to brainstorm, and this is where your logo can stand out. You don't have to use the same old chef with a big mustache holding a pizza to represent your pizza shop. It is what almost every other pizza shop does. Go for something unique, something that is out of the box and that represents you and your vision of the brand.

In short, your logo is the stage to convey your thoughts and show your consumers what makes you different from others.

Build trust:

As long as you remain in the industry and your business grows, the customers will become familiar and connected to it. Also, if you stay in the limelight, it will attract more customers and this consistency of your growth will show how trustworthy and reliable you are. As your logo becomes more familiar to the customers, they will buy your products instantly, without giving it a second thought. For instance, if you're buying some clothes and suddenly you see Victoria's secret logo on one of the shirts, you'll grab that because you know the brand is trustworthy, it has got good stuff. This is what a good logo does to your brand. Customers will look at the logo first and then at the product.

Bring new customers:

We live in a world full of colors and vibes in it and people attract to anything that is attractive plus colorful. Your logo is the first thing that any of the customers will come across so it has to be attractive enough. When you're getting a logo made for your brand, keep in mind the type of people it is being made for, it should connect to them instantly and should have their interest in it. So a logo is all about who your target customers are. When you have got a good logo made, it will attract more people and if the product or your service is exemplary, your brand will of course rise and shine in the industry. It will bring you more and more customers on an almost daily basis.

pleasent logos

Final Thoughts

Designing a logo might seem like a big deal but it is not as difficult as you think it would be. Many professionals in the market can make your logo without any big mess. From scaling up your logo to constructing your online store, professional designers like Vivid Art Studioz can provide exceptional business solutions to help meet your business needs. The process is rather simple, all you have to do is sign-up with them or directly call the agency and discuss your project directly with a representative.

Credit: Vivid Art Studioz, LTD.
Author: Jasmine A. Hart
Title: Editor and Writer @Vivid Art Studioz, LTD.
Published: April 20, 2022